Victor Muhammad, Member of the Nation of Islam

“Living in a time and era where media image and brand marketing have become the fuels that drive success for many, I still try to find relevant and principled ideas from people on a mission to help others. I believe I’ve run across the elements following your work online. I have moved into a phase of eating much more scientific than more so eating what is trendy or flavorful. Having received information from you about food content and how the mind and body responds has become increasingly valuable as I am on a course to improve my overall health and not just to build or define my body according to what is considered attractive. Thank you my Sister for guidance around mental health and dietary information. I am eating more fruits, vegetables, hydrating more and seeing the spiritual and therapeutic elevation within myself. I certainly pray and hope more people follow your work and get something that can be applied to their daily routine to maximize their performance in whatever they are seeking to obtain. You are a light giving more light and life to many. Once again, thank you.”


-Kenneth Greene, Graphic Designer